Kamis, 24 Februari 2011

WALL HACK,CHAMS,& CROSSHAIR [MPGH project blackout ]

khusus buat project blackout .../Bukan pb indo....,tapi kalau mau menggunakan DLL nya
Bisa...,,asal Copy paste "D3DX9_43.dll" Ke C:\WINDOWS/system32...................???
truss injeck "pb.dll"pke injecktor kesayangan anda .......
sertakan credit kalau untuk di gunakan ke injecktor Lain.!!! jangan jadi PKL
CREDIT DAVE84311 [MPGH FORUM]============================================status:undetectedfeatures:*wallhack

1.download the attachment.
2.extract hack anywhere.
3.start MPGHinjector.exe
4.star project blackout.
5.press INSERT or DELETE to access the menu.

Ni Langsung download

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